Trizbort and New Trizbort Website

Thanks to some contributors we’ve been able to keep development of Trizbort moving along.  So I’m happy to release another minor update to Trizbort.  This update (, focused on a few new features and the beginning work on a somewhat neglected section of the application, the auto-mapper.  Special thanks goes out to Matt Watkins for his many updates and continued support, especially in the auto-mapper updates.

Also I can’t forget about Andrew Schultz who has tirelessly updated the documentation as new features and changes come out.  All while building some sample maps that are now in the repository and beginning to create a test suite for us to validate future updates against.

Here are the updates to the this new version of Trizbort:

  • Export code (I7, I6, and TADS) to clipboard.
  • ‘W’ key to swap objects in two selected rooms.
  • Ability to start processing from the end of a transcript (@matthiaswatkins)
  • Automap can now process multiword special commands to provide better flexibility to prevent keyword collisions between certain games. (@matthiaswatkins)
  • General cleanup and speed improvements in the automapping (@matthiaswatkins)
  • sample folder contain maps of real games (created by @andrewschultz)
  • updated documentation (@andrewschultz)

New website

Also after purchasing the domain and some talks with Genstein, I’ve setup a quick initial draft of a new Trizbort website,  Currently just a quick update on new versions as they come out and links to the documentation, I’ve got some ideas for future updates to the website.  I just need to see how far I want to take it.

For now, I will continue to post here on new updates as well as as (and various forums and social media)

Please let me know if you find any issues or have suggestions.

IFography #3

ifography3Today the third issue of IFography was released.  In this issue are a lot of great articles and reviews.

Highlights include an interview with IF author Carolyn VanEseltine, discussion with some of the author’s of last years Shufflecomp, an interesting take on Magnetic Scrolls’ version of Alice in Wonderland and much more.

Check it out.